Revealing your Inner Gifts – Volume 1, Digital Download


About Guided Imagery

With a particular outcome in mind, guided imagery enables one to enter a deepened state through the assistance of a therapist or recording. In this relaxed state, the subconscious is engaged, while being guided in a multi-sensory experience.

It has been proven that the subconscious responds to imagery, symbolism and stories. It has also been shown that when every sense is involved in an experience, it is imprinted into our memory.



Revealing your Inner Gifts

Within each of us are gifts, and the combination of those gifts is unique to each person. We often go through life wondering what our purpose may be. Or, we might find ourselves in a period of transition, a time when what once was a source of fulfillment has now become an empty space.

This recording offers a way into our subconscious that helps us to begin to uncover our unique treasures, polish them and bring them to the surface.

It is then that we can shine in our daily lives. When we connect to our purpose, it sparks our passion for life, and we become a magnet for that which we seek.

My hope is that you can access your unique gifts and live a life of joy and fulfillment.

By Hypnotherapist Wynne Stewart.
Music by Ben Smith

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